A Band Called Death in Theatres Now


And now, another adventure in black eclecticism…

A little over four years ago, a number of mp3 blogs and music-centered sites were featuring stories about a pre-Bad Brains, black "protopunk" band from Detroit called Death. Their story, partly told in a Peter Margasak review of the A Band Called Death Poster 2009 reissue of their singles and recounted more extensively in this piece from The Guardian, includes abortive attempts to record an album and an ensuing rift that brought their career as a band, at least playing in that style, to an abrupt end. That story, with added layers of complexity and a broader range of revelations, is the subject of a new documentary, A Band Called Death, which will have a limited run in theatres starting today. Click through for information on screenings, to view the trailer and to purchase a digital version of the film, and click here to read a Wired piece about how the documentary came to be.

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